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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Video Resumes

There is a new fad that seems to be getting around; Video Resumes. There are both benefits and downfalls to creating this type of resume. I hope provide some hints to both sides of the spectrum that will help you decide for yourself!

1. You are able to see the real you, the stuff you cant show on paper
2.  Save a tree!
3. Puts you a step above the rest and its WAY more interesting than reading a piece of paper

1. Hiring managers that are pressed for time are unable to skim through the parts of your resume that they want to actually look at
2. If you dont have the "exact" personality that managers are looking for you may be hurting yourself more than you are helping yourself
3. If you arent dressed to impress, they wont be impressed!

Here is a GREAT video resume of a candidate from our office:


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